Sacramento, California. September 09, 2014.  Delegata hosted a ‘Lunch & Learn’ event on Thursday, August 7th to help attendees learn about collaboration technologies and processes that could enhance employee engagement and improve knowledge management. Presenters from Microsoft and OpenText spoke about powerful capabilities within SharePoint, one of the leading tools in the market:

  • Archiving
  • Site Management
  • Compliance
  • Governance
  • Digital Asset Management


Delegata is a management and technology consulting firm dedicated to client success through transformation. Employee engagement, technology and process improvements and enhanced knowledge management capabilities are key components of successful organization change initiatives.

“We are always looking for ways to add value for our clients and the Lunch & Learn is a great example of a partnership with industry best practice leaders sharing valuable information to promote innovation and dialogue”, stated Kais Menoufy, Delegata President & CEO. Delegata is vendor and tool-agnostic and encourages clients to maximize ROI on their investments.

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Sacramento Business Journal News header imageEvent with multiple tables and slideshow presentation